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SLIME and the Squishy Science behind the fascination.

Raise your hands if you have a slime obsessed kid/s in your house? Oyyyyyyyy. And unlike other sensory fads like the fidget spinner, Slime isn’t going away anytime soon! Heck, Nickelodein even had a whole Slime City Experience Pop Up come through Atlanta a few months ago, and I know some of us paid a good dollar…

An Invitation to Create Mess Free Art In Your Home

Simple Art Invitation

Let’s face it, when you think of art as a parent, what comes to mind? Messy paint brushes spills all over, splatter paint, children covered from head to toe in glitter, your house taken over by globs of paint everywhere! Am I right? How many times have you heard the benefits of letting children engage…

Brand New Tinker Club for Kids at La Dee Da

As most ideas behind La Dee Da’s programing, the idea for our brand new TINKER CLUB came directly from a need I saw, and a lack of quality programming around it in my area. My son Liam is naturally drawn to math, science, robotics and engineering (STEM). Perhaps, you have a little girl or boy…