Class Policies & Procedures

Our classes generally require a parent or caregiver to be present with the child. Parents or caregivers must also be present for the open-studio time with the exception of Parents Night Out and Camp. Classes designed for children 24 months – 12 years old. Please note, we are not a daycare and for this reason, we require all children to be potty-trained to attend drop-off classes, PNO and camp at our studio.

All students must be the applicable age for the registered class. We create classes that are developmentally appropriate in hopes that each child will have a fulfilling experience instead of a frustrating one. Please kindly look at the age specification for each of our programs (classes, workshop and school break camps prior to registering your child).

 It is our goal to maintain a positive outlook in order for creative energy to flow freely amongst all our students. La Dee Da reserves the right to dismiss any child from class due to inappropriate behavior. If your child has any social/emotional behavioral concerns please notify an educator prior to class.

Transition Before and After Class:
 All parents/caregivers are required to sign-in when entering the studio. Please try to arrive on time (especially with the younger ones). A late arrival is very distracting to the class and the child coming in can be apprehensive about being late. Our time between classes is limited and is used for cleanup and preparation. If you arrive early, please feel free to play in the indoor or outdoor play areas. Parents participating in the 4 and under classes are allowed to enter the studio work area. Parents of the 4-10 year-old classes are welcome to remain in the reception area or use the class time to run errands and come back at the required time. However, you MUST wait till a staff member has escorted your child to their class before you leave the premises. After class no child will be permitted to leave the work area without a parent or care-taker present.

Frequently Asked Questions

A: We believe that all children can experience and participate in art in their own way. Each child that takes a class at La Dee Da is accepted and appreciated as a participating individual.

A: Our program is a mix of arts & crafts as well as fine arts, and children are exposed to a variety of quality art materials and techniques that may not be available in a school setting. Our focus at La Dee Da is to provide our students with the opportunity to explore and experience as many different concepts and mediums as possible. We are not a formal “drawing school”, instead consider ourselves more of a creative studio. However, we are excited to now offer more in-depth drawing classes for our older “Tween Students”.  We gently guide and encourage children to explore certain techniques based on the project, but we do not present the entire class with right and wrong ways to draw or create.

A: Certain classes have drop-in availabilities where as some others might be session based. Please look at the class to see what is being offered prior to registering. If there is still a slot open in a class and the session has already begun we will pro-rate the tuition based upon the number of remaining classes and instructor recommendation. Please call us at 404-963-7391 or check the calendar when registering.

A: All tuition and fees are due at the time of registration through our web site. You cannot reserve a spot without payment. Tuition and fees are non-refundable. Tuition cost includes all materials, classes, and instruction for the class. We do offer a 10% sibling discount for all art classes.

A: If you have to miss a class, please call to let us know of your absence. Due to our desire to keep the student/educator ratio low, classes can only be made up if there is room available. Classes can be made up by substituting the missed class with another class offered on a different day or time or during our open studio hours. In order to make up a class you must call 24 hours in advance and receive verbal confirmation that there is space available. If a scheduled make-up class is missed, it is lost and considered void. All make-up classes must be made up in the session that you are registered for. Classes that are not made up within the sessions are considered invalid.

A: In consideration for all students, please do not bring your child to class if he/she is not feeling well. If a member of our staff notices that a child is not feeling well (runny nose, excessive coughing, overly tired etc.), they will be asked to leave the class. A child should be fever and diarrhea free for a minimum of 24 hours before coming into class. Make up classes will be offered in our open studio hours and will include a project for your child.

A:In the inclement of bad weather we normally follow the judgment of the Fulton County school system. However it is best to call our voice mail service where we may have further instructions. If our studio is closed, we will make all efforts to accommodate a missed class for that particular day.

A: If for some reason the class you registered for is not right for you child or something else unexpectedly comes up we will offer a refund for the class before the third session minus a $50 non-refundable deposit and the price for sessions attended. There will be no refunds issued past the third session.

A: We would love for your friend to attend a class with us. If you would like or need to bring a sibling or friend to class, please just let us know ahead of time. A prorated fee will apply.

A: All classes under 4 years old are parent assisted where the caregiver participates in the activity with the child. Our classes for ages four and up are designed to promote independence. Parents may either use the time to go run errands or stay in the front reception area, but are not allowed in the class rooms. Please note that we are not a day care facility, for this reason we do not accept any children for drop-off that are not potty trained. Children ages 3 – 5 year old are allowed to enroll into our half-day camp program. You MUST inform us if someone else is picking up your child.

A: A parent or legal guardian must sign the initial drop-off form for each child attending. Only people mentioned on the form are allowed to pick-up your child after class. We must receive prior authorization from the parent or legal guardian if someone else besides the people mentioned on the form are going to pick up your child. No child will be released to another individual without sufficient identification and prior authorization from parent/guardian.

A:We recommend that children wear clothes that are “play clothes”. Most of our art products will not stain clothes but we are a creative studio and messes go with the territory. Smocks are provided for each child as they enter class.

A: We love taking photographs of our students and their work throughout the weeks. We use them on our business facebook, instagram and monthly newsletter and for promotional purposes. Please be certain that we will not exploit your children in any way. If you are not okay with this kindly let us know and we will be sure not to photograph him/her.