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How to talk to kids about their art

This is a pretty common scenario played out as so…Your child comes to you with a picture he/she has just drawn or brought home from school. You look at it and say something like, “Wow, that’s beautiful sweetheart.” Then you put it on the fridge. And that is pretty much the end of it. While…

How to plan a family friendly Seder with antsy tots!

Let’s face it, you’ve spent several days cleaning the house, planning the meal and preparing for family to come over. But perhaps you’ve overlooked this big preparation from the eyes of a young child. Getting the little ones involved in religious celebrations is always a great idea but sometimes easier said than done! Below is a…

Keeping Kids’ Art

 Get rid of the clutter and start to enjoy your child’s work! How to go from a stack of original kid creations to a display that both honors their artwork, looks good in your home, and is easy to switch out as your children make newer and greater artworks and as their art styles develop and change? …

Shiny Happy People

Shiny Happy People Why I love what I do! As the creative director and art educator at La Dee Da the favorite part of my job is seeing so many curious faces come by the studio week after week. These are whom I call my “shiny happy people”! For someone who works in arts education, it doesn’t get much better…


Inspiring joy and creativity in the lives of children ~ La Dee Da! It’s been a few weeks of weather extremes here in the Atl. With light dusting of the puffy white stuff to a tease of gorgeous 70-degree weather, the sun finally peaked out and it was a glorious weekend. I know we’re all…