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It’s a Solid…It’s a Liquid…It’s Oobleck!

The last time we made Oobleck was during our Messy Toddler Tuesday Sensory Art Class. And guess who landed up playing with it the most? The Moms of course!!! What is Oobleck? Before we start let’s talk about just what oobleck is. Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid, a fancy term for a liquid whose viscosity changes…

The Sweetest Things!

There’s something so special and sweet about creating Valentines with your kiddos. It’s an annual tradition in our house and even though sometimes I wish I could just get myself to buy the store bought stuff and save all the trouble, (thanks Tarjay for all the cute cards) it’s one of those moments that I…

SLIME and the Squishy Science behind the fascination.

Raise your hands if you have a slime obsessed kid/s in your house? Oyyyyyyyy. And unlike other sensory fads like the fidget spinner, Slime isn’t going away anytime soon! Heck, Nickelodein even had a whole Slime City Experience Pop Up come through Atlanta a few months ago, and I know some of us paid a good dollar…

Leaf Rubbings Cards

Gratitude Cards for Thanksgiving! Your kiddos are an inspiration to me, but I’m a parent myself, so I know that the daily routine of nurturing, entertaining, and taxying them is * not. always. easy. * So let’s get to some fun, non-messy seasonal craft ideas for those moments when you want to do something fun…

How to plan a family friendly Seder with antsy tots!

Let’s face it, you’ve spent several days cleaning the house, planning the meal and preparing for family to come over. But perhaps you’ve overlooked this big preparation from the eyes of a young child. Getting the little ones involved in religious celebrations is always a great idea but sometimes easier said than done! Below is a…

Keeping Kids’ Art

 Get rid of the clutter and start to enjoy your child’s work! How to go from a stack of original kid creations to a display that both honors their artwork, looks good in your home, and is easy to switch out as your children make newer and greater artworks and as their art styles develop and change? …