Brand New Tinker Club for Kids at La Dee Da

tinkering for kids, after school STEAM, stem activities, tinkering, la dee da, art studio

As most ideas behind La Dee Da’s programing, the idea for our brand new TINKER CLUB came directly from a need I saw, and a lack of quality programming around it in my area. My son Liam is naturally drawn to math, science, robotics and engineering (STEM). Perhaps, you have a little girl or boy like this? He’s constantly building, creating, putting things together, going through my recycling, and requesting never ending supplies of tape and push pins. He’s my little tinkerer! He also loves to read non-fiction and most of his bedtime reading comprises of kid encyclopedias and science books. Try pronouncing names of various eukaryotic microorganisms while reading to your 7 year old! Yes, exactly, we’re talking about Fungus and Yeasts here, people!!!

So as a parent who wants to encourage this type of brain development, I started to research classes and workshops that inspire tinkering in young minds. And though there are a few subscription based monthly kits, and robotic classes for older children, I was not able to find any session based programming available for children K-2 in the Sandy Springs, GA and surrounding neighborhoods.

maze, STEM activities

I myself grew up in a home that fostered a massive amount of creativity and free thinking in me as a young girl. My father, who was an electrical engineer by trade, taught me how to use a soldering iron, rewire a lamp, change out a fuse, open up an alarm clock and try to put it all back up again, use a hammer and a saw! We were always tinkering! My mother owned a custom clothing business with tailors and seamstresses on staff, so I learned to sew very early on. What a gift!


Tinkering is a way of trying things out without a preconceived notion of if what you’re going to do is going to work, a great form of exploration. Through tinkering, kids can learn that failure is a great option. Even when you don’t succeed in what you set out to do, you learn from your “failures” and will be able to make something even better in the future.

The most basic way to learn is to break down a problem. Sometimes that problem is less tangible than another problem. A great way to help children begin to develop this process of thinking is to give them the hands on opportunity to “tinker” with real objects. Take an object apart, put it back together, identify parts, and inquire about how it works.

Did you know?

  1. Experiments teach children that there are multiple ways to approach a problem.
  2. When children solve self-designed problems, they learn to start thinking for themselves and start developing confidence.
  3. Working with young children reminds me, as an educator, that I’m a co-learner and that I don’t hold all the answers.
  4. The spirit of experimentation, exploration, and boundary-pushing is at the root of innovative thinking.
  5. Experiments are fun and playful.

If you believe that there’s more than one way to do things, and you want to raise children who are confident thinkers, then our Tinker Club is for YOU!

Calling all free thinkers to come be a part of our TINKER CLUB at La Dee Da

Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math all in one fun mind-bending & messy class!

8wk program starting March 12 – May 7
Ages 4 – 8 years old
No class April 9 (Spring Break)
4 pm-5:30pm – Thursdays
Trial Class, no commitment: $25 • 8 weeks of STEAM: $175.00