i am here

Tips for finding the right summer camp for your child.

Summers are magical, right? School is out, the days are long, and free time abounds. There are so many reasons parents send their kids to a camp; to mature, meet new friends, have fun, try out new activities and even just get some time out of the house! Summer camp is a special type of…

Listening & The Talking Stick

THE IMPORTANCE OF LISTENING You guys, I don’t know about your household, but as much as I dream about it being quiet and orderly and my children being perfect and the laundry and dishes being miraculously put away, my house is none of those things. I’m working at the studio in the mornings, we’re then…

Leaf Rubbings Cards

Gratitude Cards for Thanksgiving! Your kiddos are an inspiration to me, but I’m a parent myself, so I know that the daily routine of nurturing, entertaining, and taxying them is * not. always. easy. * So let’s get to some fun, non-messy seasonal craft ideas for those moments when you want to do something fun…