Summer is here, which camps will you choose?

If you’re like a lot of parents, you’ve probably already spent or are spending a considerable amount of time on the computer doing your research, making calls and talking to friends just so you can line up a fantastic Summer for your child! With so many different camp options around town, sleep away, and day camp options, some more general and others offering specialized options, how does one decide which camp to send their child to?

When deciding on the right camp for your child, my suggestion is to always look for what your child is interested in and then ask questions to make sure the quality of the program you are considering meets your needs and that the experience is one that your child will remember and cherish!

La Dee Da offers specialized weeklong day camps for children age 3 years – 10 years. Our camps run all through the summer, school breaks, religious holidays and odd teacher work days. Art camp is a good idea for your budding artist, or even for the child whose creativity might need some coaxing. Art is proven to have great benefits for children; the right program can ignite the imagination and expose children to a wide range of ideas, skills and art forms. Studies have proven that children who regularly participate in a comprehensive art program are more likely to achieve success, both academically and through the arts, and they are also proven to become better problem-solvers.

Be aware that some camps that advertise as “art camps” are simply referring to your child coming home with a boxed project or kit purchased at a craft store in mass quantities. Crafts are often advertised as art. At La Dee Da, our program is actually tied to a fine art curriculum and we teach young children different techniques and mediums of creative exploration. Your child will discover shapes, forms, patterns, color, lines and textures while using a variety of media.

La Dee Da’s offers a creative experience with professional instruction in a fun and relaxed home like atmosphere. We use safe, high quality art materials in all of our classes. Young artists are divided into three age groups and class sizes are kept small! Our program encourages kids to explore and play in a way they rarely do in their own neighborhoods these days. It takes them away from computers, TV, and other high-tech time-suckers, swapping them for conversation; collaboration, fun and learning in a natural home like setting. Our small class sizes allow young children to learn how to separate from their families and become resilient and independent. La Dee Da provides them with a safe way to learn about being part of a community and to cope with temporary separation while learning through the arts!

We invite you to preview our Summer Art curriculum here!