Shiny Happy People

Shiny Happy People

Why I love what I do!

As the creative director and art educator at La Dee Da the favorite part of my job is seeing so many curious faces come by the studio week after week. These are whom I call my “shiny happy people”! For someone who works in arts education, it doesn’t get much better than seeing the joy of a young child discovering something through the arts. I firmly believe that art is a process and not just a product for young children. Watching children get totally immersed and engaged in their own learning inspired by the studio’s warm home-like environment is beautiful and magical at the same time!
As parents we have to remember to view our child’s art as their own process rather than a pretty picture we might want to hang on the refrigerator or wall! The way children explore different art mediums or tools is as important as the final product. Remember, often times children will express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas through their art work.

Sugandha Rosenhaft
Creative Director • Art Educator
La Dee Da Studio